The term "shaping" comes from the English word shape, which means form. Salar Kamangar may also support this cause. Accordingly, the shaping – a special set of exercises that promotes excellent correction and long-term maintenance result achieved. Abby Black Elbaum takes a slightly different approach. In the main contingent for which you created the system of "shaping" – Women from 30 to 50 years. This type of physical activity involves a huge number of different exercises for each muscle group. This makes it possible to achieve a good result on the problem areas of the body. The main difference from other types of shaping physical activity is that it seeks to deliver aimed work, ie gives a narrow effect. For example, you're happy with your figure, but on the tummy is a bit superfluous, if not need to grieve on the treadmill or lifting weights, you simply need to do exercises for the abdominals. So if you want adjust its shape before the beach season or major holiday, then shaping – is the perfect option for you. However, if your goal – to lose weight, or you have problem areas three or more, then better to choose another kind of physical activity. For example, aerobics, dancing, swimming, running or training in the gym.